MUSAS Ref. No.:
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Marble sculpture group of Cupid (Eros, Amore) and Psyche. With all probability, it may be attributed to the shipwreck of Punta Scifo A. It was found at sea in 1926 by local fishermen, close to Punta Scifo’s beach.
Cupid has no head nor forearm; Psyche has the right arm missing; what is left of the wings are only the junctions with the shoulders. The two figures rest on a rectangular base, made from the same unfinished marble block. Both figures were not finished either, perhaps to avoid breakage during transport.
It is a representation known since the Hellenistic age (1). Many copies were made in the Roman times and the most famous one is kept at the Capitoline Museums in Rome.
Height m 0.76; base height m 0.54; sides m 0.305 x 0.255
Pavonazzo marble
Room with a sandpit, National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
Imperial age (perhaps a copy of a Hellenistic original)
Biological degradation
The statue presents traces of biological colonisation, limited to some parts (base, chest and Psyche’s drapery). Encrusting red algal thalli and calcareous tubes made by sea worms (Polychaeta serpulidae) can be observed. In some parts of the base, the marble shows tiny holes (pitting) that may suggest an endolithic (perforating) attack by autotrophic and heterotrophic micro-organisms.
Pensabene 1978, pp. 233-234; Medaglia 2010, p. 292, note 1321 with references; Corrado 2016, passim.
1 EAA (Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte), I, 1958: Amore e Psiche, p. 322
Corrado M. 2016, Appunti di archeologia subacquea sulla costa ionica calabrese tra Crotone e Le Castella, in Academia.edu
EAA (Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte), I, 1958: Amore e Psiche, p. 322.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, Ricerche IV. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, Università della Calabria, Rossano.
Pensabene P. 1978, Supplement to “A cargo of marble shipwrecked at Punta Scifo near Crotone (Italy)”, IJNA 7.3, pp. 233-234.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Ara. A not finished piece. It features a square-section body with protruding top and bottom, profiled in two well-defined and different sections (straight and circular arc). Given its shape, its function could have been that of a cippus or a statue’s pedestal.
m 1.40; upper part sides m 0.81 x 0.86; body sides m 0.63 x 0.63; base sides m 0.82 x 0.87
Proconnesian marble
Sandpit in the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact presents a double colonisation:
1) Epilithic (superficial) with whitish encrustations caused by Bryozoans, sea worms (Polychaeta serpulidae) and white algal thalli;
2) endolithic (inside the marble), made of holes of various shapes and sizes, due to bioerosion caused by boring sponges (image in the middle and bottom left) that, through a mechanical action and an attack by acids, are capable of solubilising the calcium carbonate. This type of degradation is very harmful to stone materials of a carbonatic nature, as it weakens the material’s resistance and potentially leads to a further degradation due to water’s hydrodynamics and sediments’ abrasion.
ORSI 1911, pp. 118-124; ORSI 1921; PENSABENE 1978, p. 116
Orsi P. 1911, Crotone. Scoperte subacquee presso l’Heraeum, in Notizie degli Scavi, Supplemento, pp. 118-124.
Orsi P. 1921, Crotone. Nuove scoperte subacquee di marmi in parte scritti a Punta Scifo, in Notizie degli Scavi, pp. 493-496.
Pensabene P. 1978, A cargo of marble shipwrecked at Punta Scifo near Crotone (Italy), IJNA 7.2, p. 116.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Ionic capital. A part of the pulvino [impost block] and its volutes are missing; the edges of the abacus and other two volutes are chipped and the surface of one of the echinus’ sides is abraded.
The echinus is carved in a quite superficial manner, with an Ionic kyma made of three incomplete ovals contained in thin shells. The ovals on the sides are touched by half-palmettes originating from the volutes. The channel of the volutes on the lower edge is lightly concave. The laying surface of the echinus corresponds to an imaginary line that connects the volutes’ eyes on the same side, in accordance with the Hellenistic tradition.
m 0.29, sides of abacus m 0.585 x 0.585, distance between the volutes m 0.30.
White marble (perhaps Synnadic)
Sandpit inside the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
From the collection of the Civic Museum of Crotone (ex Collezione Albani). They were found at sea, close to Cicala.
Uncertain. There is an evident influence of the Hellenistic tradition of Asia Minor.
Biological degradation
The capital presents a diffused biological degradation that covered both the surface and the internal layers of the marble block. This alteration is visible on the external surface as a “pitting” (widespread, minute circular holes), while in the innermost layers, now visible, there are numerous cavities and tunnels. This degradation is attributable to boring sponges that have solubilised the calcium carbonate through physical and chemical processes of bioerosion. Such an action caused a loss of considerable quantities of material.
Corrado 2018, pp. 176, 191, 419-420.
Davidde B., Ricci S., Poggi D., Bartolini M., 2010. Marine bioerosion of stone artefacts preserved in the Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei in the Castle of Baia (Naples), Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea; 7: 75-115.
Pensabene P., 1978, pp. 116, fig. 13.
Ricci S., Sacco Perasso C., Antonelli, F., Davidde Petriaggi B., 2015. Marine Bivalves colonizing roman artefacts recovered in the Gulf of Pozzuoli and in the Blue Grotto in Capri (Naples, Italy): boring and nestling species. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (98) 89 – 100.
Ricci S., Davidde B., Bartolini M., Priori G. F., 2009. Bioerosion of lapideous objects found in the underwater archaeological site of Baia (Naples). Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea, 6: 167-188.
Corrado M. 2018, Il Museo prima del Museo, Reggio Calabria.
Pensabene P. 1978, A cargo of marble shipwrecked at Punta Scifo near Crotone (Italy), IJNA 7.2, p. 116, fig. 13
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Labrum base with lion paws at the corners.
A protruding disc tops the marble base, under which a truncated cone rests on a square pedestal made of two superposed steps that create a profile between them. Four lion paws emerge at the corners of the profile.
The base was perhaps intended to hold basins similar to the ones recovered from the wreck of Punta Scifo A, even though another function cannot be ruled out.
m 0.50, h. of base plinth m 0.14, side of the base plinth m 0.76, h. of the first step of the base plinth m 0.068, upper base diam. m 0.50, upper base thickness m 0.08.
Synnadic marble (Pavonazzetto).
Sandpit in the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact presents in various parts a visible degradation in the form of holes with variable diameters, clearly caused by boring sponges. Such a phenomenon is mostly localized at the corners of the base.
ORSI 1921, p. 494; PENSABENE 1978, p. 114, fig. 5
Orsi P. 1921, Crotone. Nuove scoperte subacquee di marmi in parte scritti a Punta Scifo, in Notizie degli Scavi, pp. 493-496.
Pensabene P. 1978, A cargo of marble shipwrecked at Punta Scifo near Crotone (Italy), IJNA 7.2, pp. 114, figg. 5
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Marble labrum. A part of the rim is missing.
Flat bottom, slightly lowered everted rim.
Max diam. cm 103; base diam. cm 32; h. cm 42
Synnadic marble (Pavonazzetto)
Sandpit in the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present evident traces of biological degradation, with exception for a small portion on the back caused by an initial development of boring sponges.
ORSI 1911; ORSI 1921; PENSABENE, 1978
Orsi P. 1911, Crotone. Scoperte subacquee presso l’Heraeum, in Notizie degli Scavi, Supplemento, pp. 118-124.
Orsi P. 1921, Crotone. Nuove scoperte subacquee di marmi in parte scritti a Punta Scifo, in Notizie degli Scavi, pp. 493-496.
Pensabene P. 1978, A cargo of marble shipwrecked at Punta Scifo near Crotone (Italy), IJNA 7.2, pp. 105-118
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Bronze strigil. A tool used to cleanse oneself from sweat or to remove the excess of balms or ointments from the skin. It consists of a straight handle and a curved and concave blade that facilitates the expulsion of dirt.
handle h. cm 26; upper part h. cm 17; max. width cm 2.5
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna.
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present visible biological degradation.
MEDAGLIA 2008, p. 105; MEDAGLIA 2010, p. 291
Medaglia S. 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza, pp. 93-120.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, Ricerche IV. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, Università della Calabria, Rossano.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Candelabrum, lamp-holder with a movable base decorated with three dolphins (two left) arranged obliquely. Tall stem with an upper part characterised by one disc-shaped and one globular beads.
cm 90; stem diam. cm 3
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna.
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present visible biological degradation.
MEDAGLIA 2008, p. 105; MEDAGLIA, 2010, p. 291 con bibliografia prec.
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, RICERCHE. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, IV, Università della Calabria, Cosenza.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Amphora of the Kapitän II type. Preserved parts: neck with horizontal rope-like decorations, rim and handles (with ribbons and grooves, one handle is fragmentary).
Two specimens of this type were attributed to the galley of the wreck of Punta Scifo A. These stand as another proof that the ship followed a route from the major ports of Asia Minor, where amphorae of this type were produced.
These containers become popular during the late Antonine period.
cm 23; neck width cm 12.5
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact presents traces of whitish biological encrustations at the base, caused by a colonisation of encrusting red algae and sedentary sea worms (Polychaeta serpulidae).
MEDAGLIA 2008, p. 108; MEDAGLIA, 2009, p. 19; MEDAGLIA, 2010 p. 291; MEDAGLIA et alii 2013, p. 155, nota 86;
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Medaglia S. 2009, La sezione marittima del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Capo Colonna, in l’Archeologo Subacqueo XV.1, pp. 15-19.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, RICERCHE. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, IV, Università della Calabria, Cosenza.
Medaglia S., Beltrame C., Lazzarini L. 2013, La navis marmorum di età romana ‘Punta Scifo D’ (Crotone). Risultati preliminari della prima campagna di indagini subacquee, in Rivista di Archeologia XXXVII, pp. 137-165.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Block of greenish-coloured glass.
It is an element intended to be melt again and perhaps it was part of the ballast.
Similar artefacts, always from the Roman times, were also found on the wreck “del Vetro”, investigated in the sea in front of Venice.
cm 24 x 16 x 3
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present visible biological degradation.
MEDAGLIA 2010, p. 291, Racheli, Spadea 2012, pp. 505-527
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, RICERCHE. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, IV, Università della Calabria, Cosenza.
Racheli A., Spadea R. 2012, Trasporto di vetro grezzo: un documento dal relitto di Punta Scifo (Crotone) , in Coscarella A. (a cura di), Il vetro in Italia: testimonianze, produzioni, commerci in età basso medievale. Il vetro in Calabria: vecchie scoperte, nuove acquisizioni, Atti delle XV Giornate Nazionali di Studio sul vetro AIHV (Università della Calabria, 9-11 giugno 2011), pp. 505-527.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Block of black-coloured glass.
cm 12 x 9 x 3
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present traces of biological degradation.
MEDAGLIA 2010, p. 291, Racheli, Spadea 2012, pp. 505-527
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, RICERCHE. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, IV, Università della Calabria, Cosenza.
Racheli A., Spadea R. 2012, Trasporto di vetro grezzo: un documento dal relitto di Punta Scifo (Crotone) , in Coscarella A. (a cura di), Il vetro in Italia: testimonianze, produzioni, commerci in età basso medievale. Il vetro in Calabria: vecchie scoperte, nuove acquisizioni, Atti delle XV Giornate Nazionali di Studio sul vetro AIHV (Università della Calabria, 9-11 giugno 2011), pp. 505-527.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Fragment of the rim of a mortar with a stamp [C(ai)] Bellici / Zmaragdi, (type CIL XV, 1, 2418), found during the excavation works of 1983 on the wreck of Punta Scifo A. It was undoubtedly part of on-board provisions. This type of a mortar, attributed to the workshops of North Syria in the region of Basit, was manufactured between the end of the III century A.D. and the beginning of the IV century A.D. (see HAYES 1967, pp. 344-345 and BLAKELY et Alii 1992, p. 204; LAJTAR 1994; YANGAKJ 2009, pp. 247-248. For a dating of the production since the mid-III century A.D., see VALLERIN 1994).
The dating of the wreck, previously not determined with certainty, was established between the end of the III century and the beginning of the IV century A.D.
Length cm 25; thickness cm 7.3; height cm 10
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present traces of biological degradation.
MEDAGLIA 2008 pp. 105-107; MEDAGLIA 2010, pp.291, 293-294; MEDAGLIA et alii 2013, p. 159 nota 114
Blakely et alii 1992 = Blakely J. A., Brinkmann R., Vitaliano C. J. 1992, Roman mortaria and basins from a sequence at Caesarea. Fabrics and sources, in Caesarea papers. Straton’s Tower, Herod’s harbour, and roman and Byzantine Caesarea, R. L. Vann (ed.), Ann Arbor 1992, JRA suppl. 5, pp. 194-213.
Hayes J. W. 1967, North Syrian mortaria, in Hesperia XXXVI, 41, pp. 337-347.
Łajtar A. 1994, Ein bestempel tes keramikfragment aus bethshean (zu ZPE 95, 1993, s. 52, taf. I a), ZPE 102, pp. 269- 270.
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, Ricerche IV. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, Università della Calabria, Rossano.
Medaglia S., Beltrame C., Lazzarini L. 2013, La navis marmorum di età romana ‘Punta Scifo D’ (Crotone). Risultati preliminari della prima campagna di indagini subacquee, in Rivista di Archeologia XXXVII, pp. 137-165.
Vallerin m. 1994, Pelves estampillés de Bassit, in Syria 71, 1-2, pp. 171-204.
Yangaki A. G. 2009, North syrian mortaria and other Late roman Personal and utility objects bearing inscriptions of Good Luck, in «BYZANTINA ΣYMMEIKTA» 19, pp. 247- 287.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Coticule (a stone tablet used for sharpening blades or for toiletry). Rectangular shape with oblique/flared edges. Found together with at least 5 other specimens. Initially interpreted as samples for trade (1).
Length cm 20 x width cm 10 x h. cm 1
Slate, marble
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
End of III – early IV century A.D.
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present traces of biological degradation.
MEDAGLIA 2008 pp. 105-107; MEDAGLIA 2010, pp.291, 293-294 con relativa bibliografia; CORRADO 2016, passim.
1 Cfr. ad es. PARKER 1992, p. 361; BELTRAME 2002, p. 41; PENSABENE 2002a, p. 37. Si tratta di oggetti di bordo rinvenuti anche su altri relitti: Santo Stefano (Ventotene), Cala Culip IV, Madrague de Giens, San Ferreol, Mahdia, Cap Lardier 4, Cap Camarat B, Port Vendres II, Grand Ribaud D e Formigue C. Sullo strumentario da toletta a bordo delle navi romane cfr. BELTRAME 2002, p. 41. Per questi strumenti si v. anche AIROLDI 1997, pp. 191-192, 28r.
Airoldi F. 1997, Lastra per colliri, in AA.VV., La città e la sua memoria: Milano e la tradizione di sant’Ambrogio, Milano, pp. 191-192, 28r.
Beltrame C. 2002, Vita di bordo in età romana, Monografie di Archeologia subacquea. Studi, ricerche e documenti, Roma.
Corrado M. 2016, Appunti di archeologia subacquea sulla costa ionica calabrese tra Crotone e Le Castella, in Academia.edu
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, RICERCHE. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, IV, Università della Calabria, Cosenza.
Parker A.J. 1992, Ancient Shipwrecks of the Mediterranean and the Roman Provinces, Oxford.
Pensabene P. 2002, Il fenomeno del marmo nel mondo romano, in Marmi colorati 2002, pp. 3-67.
MUSAS Ref. No.:
Inv. No.
Leaden group representing Heracles fighting against the Ceryneian Hind. Hellenistic style. Placed on a curved plate fixed by long iron pins to a probable wooden support. Worn surfaces.
Probably it was part of the on-board lararium.
max h. from the base cm 14 x base length cm 20 x base width cm 7
Showcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna
Wreck of Punta Scifo A
Imperial age
Biological degradation
The artefact does not present visible biological degradation.
LATTANZI 1983, p. 574; MEDAGLIA 2010, p. 291; CORRADO 2016, passim con bibliografia sul tipo.
Corrado M. 2016, Appunti di archeologia subacquea sulla costa ionica calabrese tra Crotone e Le Castella, in Academia.edu.
Lattanzi E. 1983, L’attività archeologica in Calabria, in Atti Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, XXIII, (Taranto), Napoli 1984, pp. 565-583.
Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di Crotone: paesaggi storici e insediamenti nella Calabria centro-orientale dalla Preistoria all’Altomedioevo, Ricerche IV. Collana del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, Università della Calabria, Rossano.
Punta Scifo A is undoubtedly the most famous wreck discovered along the coasts of Crotone. We owe its discovery to two divers, the Tricoli brothers, who in 1908-1909 identified some stone elements and artefacts on a relatively deep seabed (4-6 meters), 200 meters west of Punta Scifo. The great archaeologist Paolo Orsi was immediately informed about the discovery, which he publicly announced in 1911 (1) and in 1912 (2) along with other findings. When a heavy dredging operation was conducted by the Forcellini Company in 1915, many stone elements were used for the beach replenishment in front of the port of Crotone.
In 1926 a small marble group of Cupid and Psyche was discovered nearby, while in 1983 the wreck was investigated again by Cooperative Aquarius on behalf of the Archaeological Superintendency (3). This intervention helped to clarify the dynamics of the shipwreck and the morphology of the site. According to this survey, in fact, the large cargo ship was supposed to be between 30 and 35 meters long and 9 meters wide. Having sunk on a side, the lightest materials had undergone a violent dislocation and the hull had broken into two pieces, also according to Orsi’s interview with the diver who carried out the recovery operations in 1915 (4). The intervention of Cooperativa Aquarius allowed for the discovery of a part of the hull (3 m x 3 m, planking thickness 8 cm) that was assembled according to the well-known technique of mortise and tenon.
The lightest clay load was probably stowed in the stern section and is not easily distinguishable from the on-board provisions. Among various elements, there were pieces of tableware with a light grey patina, common kitchenware, thin-walled and Pergamene Sigillata pottery. Among the transport containers, some amphorae of Kapitän II type were recognised (5).
An important element for the wreck’s dating was the discovery of a fragmented clay mortar with a stamp [C(ai)] Bel/ici/ Zmaragdi, attributable to Syriac productions which can be dated with certainty between the half of the III century and the beginning of the IV century A.D. (6).
Other artefacts found on this wreck include an block of green raw glass intended to be melted again, an iron pan, a bronze candelabrum with a base decorated with three dolphins, a stone urn, a bronze strigil, and a lead sculpture group that probably had a wooden support and depicted one of the labours of Heracles: the capture of the Ceryneian Hind (7).
The half-worked marbles found in the cargo, thoroughly studied by Patrizio Pensabene among others (8), belong to two varieties from Asia Minor: Proconnesian and Docimium. These include two column shafts, basins, square bases adornated with lion paws at the corners, pedestals, and other materials (9). Some pieces show quarry inscriptions with a mention of the consuls from 197 A.D. (Lateranus and Rufinus) and from 200 A.D. (Severus and Victorinus).
The weight of the ship’s cargo was to be approximately 300 tons.
The wreck’s dating between the III century (10) and the V and V century A.D. (11), according to different scholars, was recently narrowed down by Salvatore Medaglia to the end of the III century and the beginning of the IV century A.D., mainly thanks to the dating of the above mentioned stamped clay mortar (12).
The data cards of some of the digitised artefacts belonging to this wreck are available on this page.
1 Orsi 1911, pp. 118-124.
2 Orsi 1921, pp. 493-496.
3 For a timeline of the research on the wreck, see Medaglia 2010, p. 290 and ff. See also Corrado 2016, passim and related references.
4 Orsi 1921, p. 493. For the layout of the cargo, see Bartoli 2008.
5 On these elements see Lattanzi 1984, p. 574; Beltrame 2002, p. 128. Medaglia 2008, p. 105; Medaglia 2010, p. 291; Corrado 2016, passim.
6 Medaglia 2008, pp. 105-107; Medaglia et alii 2013, p. 159, note 114.
7 Lattanzi 1983, p. 574.
8 Pensabene 1978a, 1978b, 2002a.
9 Pensabene 1978a, pp. 105 and ff.; Pensabene 2002a, pp. 36- 37; on the small group representing Cupid and Psyche see Pensabene 1978b, pp. 233- 234.
10 See e.g. Pensabene 1978a, p. 112; Parker 1992, p. 361; Ambrogi 2005, passim.
11 Noyé 1991, p. 521; Cuteri 1994, p. 341 note 14; Noyé 2000, p. 448, note 84.
12 Medaglia 2008, pp. 105-107 and Medaglia 2010, pp. 293-294 with further references.
Ambrogi A. 2005, Labra di età romana in marmi bianchi e colorati, Roma
Bartoli D. G. 2008, Marble Transport in the Time of the Severans: a New Analysis of the Punta Scifo A Shipwreck at Croton, Italy, Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
Beltrame C. 2002, Vita di bordo in età romana, Roma
Corrado M. 2016, Appunti di archeologia subacquea sulla costa ionica calabrese tra Crotone e Le Castella, in Academia.edu
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