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The project

The project MUSAS, conceived and directed by the archaeologist Barbara Davidde from the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro [ICR, Central Institute for Restoration], is aimed at experimenting on a supra-regional scale an integrated model for monitoring and promoting the submerged archaeological heritage preserved in museum collections and in situ in order to build a good practice that can be extended and replicated on other sites. Moreover, the project aims at the networking of underwater archaeological areas and Museums that conserve artefacts of underwater origin by implementing innovative technological solutions.

Goals and deliverables

1) Web portal for the Virtual Museum of Underwater Archaeology, where the finds of underwater origin, now stored in museums, are shown by the means of images, catalogue cards, and 3D reconstructions.

2) A system for augmented exploration and reconstruction of the underwater archaeological involved in the project.

3) A network of innovative underwater sensory nodes for environmental monitoring, deployable in a flexible way and conceived for verifying the conservation state of the sites and for locating divers.

4) The definition of good practices to promote: a) the knowledge of underwater archaeology with physical and virtual tours in submerged and subaerial environments, b) underwater archaeological tourism by broadening the sensorial experience, and c) to monitor and protect underwater archaeological sites.

Site and Museums

The Project MUSAS MUSei of Underwater Archaeology – Protection, enhancement and networking of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (Campania-Calabria-Apulia) – CUP B12C16000080001- was financed by PON Cultura e Sviluppo 2014-2020 [National Operating Program for Culture and Development 2014-2020] from Axis I resources – “Rafforzamento delle dotazioni culturali” [Reinforcement of cultural endowments], Action 6c.1.b, amounting to € 3,250,000.00 (Decreto dell’Autorità di Gestione del 18/02/2016 REP 11/16).



Antonella Padolecchia

Administration consultant - Administrative and Financial Consultancy for the Project MUSAS

Sandra Ricci

Biologist at ICR

Barbara Davidde Petriaggi

Underwater archaeologist - Head of research, designer and Project Manager

Giorgio Sobrà

Architect at ICR

Marco Ciabattoni

Conservator at ICR

Michele Stefanile

Underwater Archaeologist

Adriano Casagrande

Underwater Restorer

Carlotta Sacco Perasso

Underwater Conservator

Marco D’Agostino

Underwater Archaeologist

ICR Working Group

ICR members collaborating in MUSAS project:

Institutions and collaborators of the project


Archeological Park of Campi Flegrei

Archaeological Museum of Campi Flegrei, Castle of Baia



Dr. Fabio Pagano, Director

Dr. Paolo Giulierini, former Director

Dr. Filippo Demma, archaeologist 

Dr. Enrico Gallocchio, archaeologist 

Mr. Luciano Muratgia, responsible for activities at sea

Mr. Salvatore Carandente, underwater technical assistant

Local Maritime Office of Baia

District Maritime Office of Pozzuoli

Carabinieri Scuba Divers – Unit of Naples


Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Provinces of Catanzaro, Cosenza and Crotone

Dr. Mario Pagano, Superintendent

Dr. Paola Caruso, archaeologist 

Polo Museale della Calabria (Museum Hub of Calabria)

Dr. Antonella Cucciniello, Director

National Archeological Museum of Crotone and National Archeological Museum and Park of Capo Colonna

Dr. Gregorio Aversa, Ph.D., Director

Archaeological Museum of Ancient Kaulon

Dr. Rossella Agostino, Ph.D., Director

Capitaneria (Harbour Office) of Crotone

University of Calabria

Dr. Salvatore Medaglia, underwater archaeologist, technical-scientific consultant of the MUSAS Project.

Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for Calabria

Dr. Salvatore Patamia, Regional secretary

Dr. Alessandra Ghelli, archaeologist 

Arma dei Carabinieri

Unit for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage, Carabinieri, Cosenza

Carabinieri Scuba Divers – Unit of Messina 


Superintendency of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto

Dr.  Maria Piccarreta, Superintendent

Dr. Angelo Michele Raguso, underwater activities director

Polo Museale (Museum Hub) of Apulia

Dr. Mariastella Margozzi, Director

National Archeological Museum “Giuseppe Andreassi” and Egnatia Archeological Park

Dr. Angela Ciancio, Director

Capitaneria di Porto (Harbour Office) of Brindisi

Local Maritime Office of Savelletri

Fasano (Brindisi)

Carabinieri Command for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Bari

Carabinieri Scuba Divers – Unit of Pescara 

Suppliers and service providers

3D surveys and virtual reconstructions:

Innovation Partnership for development of a network of underwater sensor nodes in the underwater sites in Baiae and Egnatia:

Project’s graphic identity:

The site and the virtual museum were designed by:

Diving Centers: