We do not have much information concerning this wreck. It sunk in the IV-III century B.C. close to Capo Colonna while it was transporting amphorae, maybe of the recent Corinthian B types (MEDAGLIA 2008, p. 96). The Corinthian amphorae are among the best known ones as they were found in different Mediterranean sites, especially thanks to the classification proposed by Koehler.
On the basis of archeometric data, it was ascertained that many of these amphorae show evidence of their origin in Ionian Calabria, probably in the area of the ancient Sybaris. This conclusion has a strong impact from the historical-archaeological point of view.
Koehler C,. 1981, Corinthian Developments in the Study of Trade in the Fifth Century, in Hesperia 50.4, pp. 449-458.
Koehler C., 1982, Amphoras on Amphoras, in Hesperia 51.3, pp. 284-289.
Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di studi in onore di Giovanni Azzimmaturo (Cosenza 2007)”, Cosenza.
Spagnolo G. V. M., Ingoglia C., 2006, Localizzazione dei centri di produzione anforica nell’Occidente greco: dati archeometrici su anfore “corinzie B”, “ionico-massaliote”, “pseudo-chiote” e “greco-italiche” rinvenute in Sicilia, in AA.VV., L’approccio multidisciplinare allo studio ed alla valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, Roma.