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Found during the beginning of the 1920s in the waters of the port of Baia, among the remains of the sumberged imperial palace, this torsetto of Cupid in white marble – with the head, the right arm, the left forearm, the right leg and part of the left one, the left wing missing – originally rested on some kind of support.

The lithe pose and the graceful attitude refer to the model of a Cupid Punished, like a child after a mischief.

The statue, in a good state of conservation, shows a limited biological degradation on the left shoulder due to the endolithic development of boring sponges. Sub-globular cavities produced by Cliona sponges are visible. These microorganisms caused a deterioration of the outermost layer of marble. The image below illustrates this kind of degradation in detail; the SEM observations highlighted the morphology of the eroded cavities made by sponges and brought to light minute perforations caused by endolithic microorganisms (microboring).

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MUSAS Ref. No.BAI-013Inv. No.150390 – 183169DimensionsDimensionsMaterialsWhite marbleLocationArchaeological Museum of Campi Flegrei, room 54OriginPort of Baia, submerged palatial complex (1923-24)DatingII century A.D.Share