Microasiatic sarcophagus found in two large separated fragments. On the sides of the preserved frontal part, there is a relief of a scene of Dionysius flirting with a dancing Maenad. On the short sides there are carvings of a Satyr’s mask, a swag and a bunch of grapes.
On the two large fragments, the sarcophagus presents traces of epilithic (superficial) and endolithic (internal) biological colonisation. The epilithic growth is represented especially by little calcareous tubes of different shapes and sizes caused by several genera of sedentary sea worms (Polychaeta). Encrusting red algae thalli are often compact and thickly covering, limited in some areas and widespread in others. There is a rare presence of Brachiopoda shells (marine animals provided with two valves, one adherent to the material, the other one free) and bivalve molluscs (Lamellibranchiata). The epilithic growth is present both on the well preserved surfaces (central image of the table below) and on the surfaces heavily attacked by endolithic organisms (sponges and bivalve molluscs).
As far as the endolithic colonisation is concerned, the artefact presents a vast and considerable degradation caused by boring sponges, visible as tiny, circular and isolated perforations and cavities that together form gaps of different sizes (image below). In some parts, the artefact completely lost its outer layers and bioerosion affected the underlying layers up to a few centimetres deep.
Another sign of considerable degradation was caused by boring bivalve molluscs, visible as holes up to 2 cm in diameter, some of them still containing their shells (as in the image below). Considering the holes’ morphology and the presence of the remains of the molluscs, this bioerosion was attributed to the species Lithophaga lithophaga (commonly known as a date mussel) and Rocellaria dubia.
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