Plaque. Fractures and crushes. Truncated-conical. Folded and rolled up on itself. Hollow inside.
Lead element used for weighting a fishing line or net (1).
The artefact does not present signs of biological colonisation.
Basile B. 1987, Recenti prospezioni subacquee nell’arco costiero fra Messina e Giardini Naxos, in Lo Stretto crocevia di culture, Atti del XXVI Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto – Reggio Calabria, 9-14 October 1986), Taranto, pp. 361-395.
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Kuniholm P.I. 1982, The fishing gear, in Bass G.F., Van Doorninck F.H. jr. (eds.), Yassi Ada I, College Station.
Medaglia S. 2002, Materiali erratici dal mare di Kaulonia, in Archeologia Subacquea, Studi Ricerche, Documenti, III, pp. 163-185.
1 See CHARLIN ET AL. 1978, p. 51, fìg. 25.8; KUNIHOLM 1982, p. 304, fig. 13.5; BASILE 1987, pp. 381-382, fìg. 8a; EAD. 1992, p. 69, fig. 9b.