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Coticule (a stone tablet used for sharpening blades or for toiletry). Rectangular shape with oblique/flared edges. Found together with at least 5 other specimens. Initially interpreted as samples for trade (1).

The artefact does not present traces of biological degradation.

MEDAGLIA 2008 pp. 105-107; MEDAGLIA 2010, pp.291, 293-294 and references; CORRADO 2016, passim.

1 See e.g. PARKER 1992, p. 361; BELTRAME 2002, p. 41; PENSABENE 2002a, p. 37. These embarked objects were also found in other wrecks: Santo Stefano (Ventotene), Cala Culip IV, Madrague de Giens, San Ferreol, Mahdia, Cap Lardier 4, Cap Camarat B, Port Vendres II, Grand Ribaud D and Formigue C. On toiletry tools on board of Roman ships, see BELTRAME 2002, p. 41. On these tools see also AIROLDI 1997, pp. 191-192, 28r.



Airoldi F. 1997, Lastra per colliri, in AA.VV., La città e la sua memoria: Milano e la tradizione di sant’Ambrogio, Milano, pp. 191-192, 28r.

Beltrame C. 2002, Vita di bordo in età romana, Monografie di Archeologia subacquea. Studi, ricerche e documenti, Roma.

Corrado M. 2016, Appunti di archeologia subacquea sulla costa ionica calabrese tra Crotone e Le Castella, in

MUSAS Ref. No.CAPCOL-45DimensionsLength cm 20 x width cm 10 x h. cm 1MaterialsSlate, marbleLocationShowcase at the National Archaeological Museum of Capo ColonnaOriginWreck of Punta Scifo ADatingEnd of III – early IV century A.D.Share