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Perhaps part of a herm, the sculpture was found in the waters of the port of Baia among the remains of the submerged imperial palace.

Of a relatively late production, the head was perhaps inspired by the type known as Hermes Propylaios by Alcamenes. The original dates back to the mid-V century B.C. and was seen by Pausanias on the acropolis of Athens.

The style of the sculpture from Baiae seems to accentuate artificially the most archaistic traits.

The artefact does not show signs of biological degradation.

Maniscalco, F. 1995, ‘Un ninfeo severiano nelle acque del porto di Baia’, Ostraka, 4(2), pp. 267-268.
Maniscalco, F. 1997, Ninfei ed edifici marittimi severiani del Palatium imperiale di Baia. Napoli: Massa Editore, pp. 61-62.

Zevi F. (cur.) 2009, Museo archeologico dei Campi Flegrei. Castello di Baia. Napoli: Electa Napoli, vol. 3, p. 125.

MUSAS Ref. No.BAI-008Inv. No.150400DimensionsHeight cm 35MaterialsWhite marbleLocationArchaeological Museum of Campi Flegrei, room 51OriginPort of Baia, submerged palatial complex (1923-24)DatingII-III century A.D.Share